The Gnomist is a family-friendly, short documentary that follows the appearance of mysterious fairy houses along Overland Park, Kansas walking trails, and how they affect the lives of three women struggling through personal crises. Allie’s Mom, Kelly is one of the those women, and the story focuses on our life after Allie’s death from gliomatosis cerebri.
The documentary was selected to premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York, won Best Short Documentary at the Minneapolis International Film Festival, won Best Short and Audience Award at the Free State Film Festival, won Best Short Documentary at the Los Angeles Short Film Festival, and numerous awards at other film festivals.
The Gnomist has been acquired by CNN Films and can be watched on their site, Great Big Story and has been watched over 12,000,000 times.
Hand-made reproductions of the doors from The Gnomist are available at Firefly Forest Doors. Half of the proceeds from the Little Owl door are donated to Team Little Owl in memory of Allie!
Utterly charming and wonderful short film about the Firefly Forest, located in Overland Park, Kansas where someone has been building and leaving fairy homes along the trail. They are not only leaving the homes but decorating them and leaving signs of activity (leaving moving boxes that are changed to full set up interiors. As time goes on people begin to leave notes for the little people).
I don’t know what to say. This is way cool. Marvelous, Wondrous and one of the best films at Tribeca.
See this film.
Please join us on the last Sunday in August before Labor Day weekend for an uplifting day, walking with friends and family to honor those who have fought or are fighting brain cancer. We will celebrate Allie’s life and legacy while raising awareness about pediatric brain cancer.
Help support pediatric brain tumor research in memory of Allie and bring hope to the children and families that have suffered due to this terrible disease.
Team Little Owl is a proud supporter of the Children’s Brain Tumor Project and the Head For The Cure Foundation.